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Who is it for: 


Anyone looking at streamlining their current access to prescription only treatment and medicines. From injectable to prescription only cream and more, GRB Health is here to enable you to provide the best service possible

Prescribing plan: 

All plans are tailored to each individual needs and requirements. 

Ad hoc prescribing or a more subscription style plan to enable you to further decrease your prescribing over heads 

Benefits of using GRB Health for your prescribing needs

  • Flexible and responsive access to experienced independent prescribers 

  • Competitive prescribing fees and plans to bring your overheads down, increase your profits

  • No  minimum of clients to prescribe for* - therefore you have the logistical nightmare of getting 4 - 6 people available at a time convenient for your distance prescriber to visit

How it Works

  1. ​You highlight a client for a prescription only treatment 

  2. GRB Health contacted

  3. GRB Health visit client, screen for safety and indication

  4. GRB Health complete prescription and order it to be deliver to you chosen address

  5. Medicines arrive and treatment completed by your specialised team 


*London + suburb based prescribing only. please enquire if you require prescriptions to completed for clients outside of this there is a travel fee applied. 

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